
Monday, April 25, 2011

Pet Post Roundup

The theme for Week 17 of Amy Coffin’s “52 Weeks of Personal Genealogy and History,” sponsored by GeneaBloggers, is: Pets. Did you have any pets as a child? If so, what types and what were their names. Do you have pets now? Describe them as well. If you did not have pets, you can discuss those of neighbors or other family members.

Well, as a matter of fact, I have posted on this subjects before. Lots of times. Lots and lots of times. So - here is a list of previous posts:

Memory Monday: Pets, Part 1

Memory Monday: Pets, Part 2

The Language of Cats: An Illustrated Glossary (my favorite pet post)

Wordy Wednesday: More from the Language of Cats - An Illustrated Glossary

Featured Feline Friday: R.B. Koehl

Wordless Wednesday: The Language of Cats, Continued

Silly Saturday: New Year’s Eve Nip Party

Wordy Wednesday: Our Office Assistants

Wordless Wednesday: Pipsqueak and a Friend

Memory Monday: We Were the Brady Bunch of Cat Families


  1. My, oh, my, you are indeed a pet person! A gal after my own heart.

  2. A kindred spirit! Amazing how big a part our animals play in our lives.

  3. Loved all your pet posts! I went back and read several of those. We are dog lovers and could not live without a couple around the house. Hubby is gone a lot and they are my late night genealogy buddies. Thanks for sharing your stories, I enjoyed them.
