
Friday, June 17, 2011

Follow Friday Newsletter: 17 June 2011

This Week in Genea-Blogging

This was a great week for posts from the Southern California Genealogy Jamboree, and now the posts from IGHR at Samford have started - too many to list here, but keep your eye out!

If only I were this organized...

The New Genealogist shares his/her experience in “Keeping track of [resultless] searches.” Good advice, good methodology.

Bury me there

J. D. Wilson at Stone Gardens has featured an unusual type of graveyard: “Ben & Jerry’s Flavor Graveyard, Waterbury, Vermont.”

Some addictions are good!

Geniaus tells us why she is “Addicted to the Tablet.” She has provided so many reasons and illustrations for her addiction that I may move that iPad up a notch (= forward a year) on my Christmas list.

Got any good suggestions for Patti?

That would be Patti Browning at Consanguinity, who offers to give “My Kingdom for a Good Genealogy Flowchart Program.” There are some good suggestions in the comments, too.

Which is best for you?

At Family Search’s TechTips, Denise Barrett Olson discusses the most common web browsers and which features set them apart from one another in "The Web Browser" - very useful information for the genealogist who wants to maximize effectiveness in web use.

Randy has quite a long list....

and that’s not a good thing in this case, because it is a list of “Some Sparsely Indexed Census Databases on” I have suspected this of some of Ancestry’s card catalog databases I have used. Another gripe I have is about mis-indexing, particularly in the case of the World War I Draft Registration Cards. Several times I have clicked on a link for an ancestor’s card, only to pull up someone else’s card. I realized right away that I just had to keep clicking on the forward or backward arrow to find my ancestors’ cards, but still, it’s irritating.

Carol also has a list - a little list - and she’s making it work for her

At Reflections from the Fence, Carol has figured out how to get the most out of the To Do lists and events list function in her Roots Magic program - check it out in “The Small To Do List - How to Stretch It.”

A question and an answer

Tonia Kendrick at Tonia’s Genealogy asks and answers the question “What can you learn from a DAR application?” She provides an excellent overview of what you most likely will and will not find and gives examples from her own ancestor’s application.

Interesting question and comments

At Marian’s Roots and Rambles, Marian Pierre-Louis’ question “Do You Prefer Books or Microfilm?” elicits some thoughtful answers, and she has an interesting take on how she plans to combine the two to best effect.

For more suggested blog reading,

check out “Follow Friday Gems” at Deb Ruth’s Adventures in Genealogy, “Follow Friday: This Week’s Favorite Finds” at Jen’s Climbing My Family Tree, and “Monday Morning Mentions” at Lynn Palermo’s The Armchair Genealogist.

This Week I Started Following This Blog:

Leaves of Heritage Genealogy


  1. Greta, Thanks for the weekly roundup. I always find some tip or tidbit worth follow up on! Best, Marian

  2. Thanks for mentioning my "little lists".

  3. NG, Marian, Carol, and Tonia - You are all so welcome - thanks for stopping by!
