
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

In Charleston

St. Matthew's Church (Lutheran)

A baby bird my daughter noticed hiding in the undergrowth
in Marion Square

The old Kress building


St. Michael's Church (Huguenot)

Courthouse Square - Confederate Memorial Day ceremony

Inside The Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon

Remains of the original sea walls of Charleston
under The Old Exchange and Provost Dungeon

St. Phillips (Episcopal)

The Circular Church (United Church of Christ)

Building of the Daughters of the Confederacy


  1. Hi Greta, great photos! We have a Kress building just like that one your photographed here in Durham, NC! I've been to the circular church as well. They were included in the ghost tour we took last time we visited Charleston. Hope you enjoy your time here in Charleston!

  2. These are great photos, Greta! Looks like you saw a little bit of everything in Charleston!
