
Friday, April 8, 2011

Follow Friday Newsletter: 8 April 2011

This Week in Genea-Blogging

A favorite subject in these parts:

Sharing with other researchers. And Kerry Scott at Clue Wagon asks “What Happens When Cousins Won’t Share?” She gives several examples of legitimate or understandable reasons for not sharing, especially when the cousins in question are not into genealogical research. Several of the commenters address other cases we may have encountered - fellow researchers who take, don’t attribute, and don’t share. Hot Button Time.

Ah, we’ve been to this play:

A Comedy of Errors: My Family in the Census - Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. Author - Cynthia Shenette, Heritage Zen. Your assignment: Read. Discuss. Take test in Part 3. Discuss again.

Hair, hair everywhere

... and there is no escape! At least not for Joanne of Keeper of Records, who seems to be followed by the stuff these days. Check out her series on “Victorian Hair Art” (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3).

Why we do it

At Family Cherished, Valerie Elkins’ post on “Getting Personal” illustrates one of the reasons she does genealogy - gaining perspective and wisdom - in a most touching way. Most of us can strongly identify with the reasons cited by Valerie for doing genealogy in this series. For me the “dirt-poor family from Alabama” is also a strong point of identification, as I can see much of my paternal grandmother’s family experiences.

No Clooz

Jennifer Trahan writes about “My Decision Not to Use Clooz Anymore” at Jennifer’s Genealogy Blog and cites the shortcomings that led her to her decision.

Are we compulsive, too?

Ruby Coleman at The You Go Genealogy Girls has some interesting thoughts on what it means to be “Obsessed with Genealogy” (which, as you may have gleaned from the header to this blog, describes the author of this blog, too).

A great account of a research trip

Read Valerie Craft’s post on her recent research trip, “In Which I Am Chased By Dogs,” at Begin With Craft. Priceless.

Let’s Talk Cloud

In “Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining,” Lorine McGinnis Shulze describes and compares several different cloud computing services at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. Excellent information on what aspects of each service make them most useful for particular applications.

Too exciting for words!

Cheryl Palmer’s “Great Swedish Adventure” (now at Part 7) is now at an advanced stage - the final 10 are to be chosen soon. Check out her latest report at Heritage Happens!

Common sense and solid research

are often in short supply. In “Can I read this stuff? Part Five of the limits of genealogical research,” James Tanner at Genealogy’s Star discusses why “Copying is not research” and why we must strive to avoid emulating the phenomenon described by Donald Lines Jacobus: “... the type of professional incompetent who believes that the printed word can never lie." If you have not read the previous four installments of this series, they are worth checking out as well.

Get out your hankies ...

and read a wonderful story. No spoilers. Read Sheri Fenley’s “Moments Like This Are Why I Love My Job” at The Educated Genealogist.

And do NOT forget

The 104th Edition of the Carnival of Genealogy - "Cars as Stars" - at Jasia's Creative Gene!

For more suggested blog reading,

Check out “Best of the Genea-Blogs" at Randy Seaver’s Genea-Musings, “Follow Friday: This Week’s Favs” at Jen’s Climbing Your Family Tree, and “Monday Morning’s Mentions” at Lynn Palermo’s The Armchair Genealogist.

This Week I Started Following These Blogs:

Eckstel: An Ancestral Blog

Retracing the Past

Telling Their Tale

The Pursuit of Joe Mangiafico and His Roots

My Link to the Past

Trails of My Imagination

My Research Week

was pretty well described in the previous post. So now there is a new family line to search - the Rossis of Vietri sul Mare, Italy. And possibly the De Donatos as well.


  1. Lots of great blogs to read in this post!

  2. Thank you Greta for the mention. Truth be told, I never meant for it to be a tear jerker, just a happy ending. But I went back and re-read it and got a little teary myself LOL!

  3. Thanks for the shout out for the COG! I really appreciate it!

  4. Hi Greta! You are so sweet to acknowledge my ongoing series! Thank you so much I really appreciate the mention!

  5. Greta - Thank you so much for the shout out! I really appreciate it!

  6. Greta, I am so glad you do this newsletter. I have been so busy that I am woefully behind on my blog reading. Without Follow Friday Newsletter I would have skipped over some truly outstanding posts this week. Thanks!

  7. FRT - Glad to be of help!

    Sheri - Thank you again for writing about this - it really brings out the best aspects of being a genealogist!

    Jasia - Thanks for doing the COG - I know how much work it is!

    Cheryl - Following your adventures with this is so exciting - got all my fingers and toes crossed!

    Cynthia - You are very welcome!

    Michelle - I love doing this - the main difficulty is that there are so many interesting and informative posts - it's hard to choose!

    Kerry - You are welcome!

  8. Greta, thank you for the shout out. I will definitely check out some of your other suggestions too!
