
Monday, August 9, 2010

Second Blogoversary

Well, at least I didn’t forget my blogoversary this year as I did last year. (Thanks to Sheri Fenley for having a second blogoversary right before mine – it served as a reminder!)

I have written several times about why I blog and how important the Genea-Blogging community is to me in developing as a researcher, so I won’t repeat all of that, but I will say that the past year has confirmed what I learned the first year: I like to blog, I like to read other people’s genealogy blogs, and both of those activities yield benefits.

I cannot deny that blogging cuts into my research time a bit, but it also adds so much to my research. That part about contacting fellow researchers? It has paid off beyond my wildest dreams. During the past month alone I have been contacted by four people who found the blog and realized that we are researching common lines. In addition, Becky Jamison at Grace and Glory realized from reading one of my posts that someone she recently met, who is very interested in genealogy, may be related to me. I read similar stories of Genea-Bloggers helping others several times a week.

And at least some family members do follow the blog, so I don’t have to duplicate my research reports in e-mail; the blog is actually my central research sharing platform, though I still get hits from genealogy forums, Footnote pages, and even GenealogyWise.

So I would simply like to thank my readers, commenters, and fellow Genea-Bloggers who make every day an adventure in reading and learning.


  1. Congrats! You are such a star in the GeneaBloggers community, supporting all. I am sure I speak for many in saying, THANK YOU for being you!

  2. Happy anniversary...and make sure you buy yourself a fabulous gift!

  3. Congratulations, Greta. I'm proud to say I'm a GGB junkie. Here's to many more blogoversaries.

  4. Happy Blogaversary Greta :-) I've had contact from two relatives in the last couple of weeks through my wee blog - very exciting!

  5. Don't ya love how many ways people spell Blogiversary--I just added a 3rd way! Congratulations, Greta. I love your blog and will be following your posts through your 3rdd year now.

  6. Greta, Happy Blog_versary, the 2nd. I've enjoyed reading your posts for almost a year now. How lucky am I? The luckiest! Continued success in your blog and research.

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I would have thought three or four years. Looking forward to many more.

  8. Happy second Blogiversary Greta! So glad you are a GeneaBlogger and still love to blog!

  9. Hey Greta,
    Happy Blogoversary!
    So glad you are one of my friends.
    Thanks for all you do!

  10. Happy 2nd Blogiversary, cuzin Greta!

  11. Happy Blogiversary, Greta! =)

  12. Happy Blogoversary! I always enjoy reading your blog and look forward to many more future posts!

  13. Congrats on your second blogoversary!

  14. Greta, I always look forward to reading your blog -- and following your research -- and the interesting tidbits that you share. I really had thought you had been blogging for several years. You are just that good.

  15. Congratulations on 2 years! Well done.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Happy anniversary to you, Happy anniversary to you.....


  18. Thank you all so much for your kind and encouraging comments. I just wish learning in school had been as much fun as learning from all of you!

  19. Happy blogiversary! I enjoy your blog and look forward to many more years of happy genealogy reading.
