
Monday, August 16, 2010

On the Way to Knoxville

(Copyright (c) 2010 Greta Koehl) We were on our way almost on time; I had to kiss both daughters, make sure they understood the instructions correctly for taking care of the cats and feeding the birds, and of course, run back into the house one last time to get something I had forgotten.

Our driving instructions were simple for this first day. Take Route 66 to 81. Take Route 81 to Exit 80 at Fort Chiswell/Max Meadows. Hotel is there.

We drove through a torrential downpour from Staunton to Christiansburg and later passed a tractor-trailer that had flipped over about 200 degrees (upside down and tilting against the hillside).

At Lexington we stopped to walk around a bit. We stopped at a bookstore, bought a book about wooden houses, and petted the bookstore cat (whose picture I unfortunately forgot to take). Here are some pictures we took at Washington and Lee University.

Lee-Jackson House

Morris House

Newcomb Hall

Lee Chapel

Washington Hall


  1. Oh, have a grand time. I have trip envy, all those grand houses. SIGHHHH. AND, a genie gathering! WAHOOOOO!

  2. Oh lucky you. Have a great time. The area where you are staying is right near where my vacation house was, Wytheville, VA, so I am envious. Can't wait to read all about your venture.

  3. Thank you, Carol - yeah, the south can really do grand houses well. And I'm already spotting genies all over the place.

    Barbara - Thanks, we are having a blast. I am envious that you had a vacation house in Wytheville. Such beautiful countryside out here.

  4. so so jealous! I hope you're having a fantastic time! What a great opportunity!

  5. Cindy - We had a great time. I hope we'll have a big convention soon in a convenient area for you - it's such a blast!
