
Friday, April 2, 2010

Follow Friday: Random Notes

Happy blogoversary to:

Leah Kleylein at Random Notes, which is the blog I'd like to feature this week. Leah is a witty and erudite writer on many subjects and is always good for inspiring a laugh or forcing you to think. Full confession – we seem to share a lot of interests and opinions (see “Lament for the Movie Credit,” “Don’t Stand So Close to Me,” “I Cook with Wine. Sometimes I even Add it to the Food,” and “My Brain Hurts,” just to name a few) so her posts often evoke a memory, a sympathetic response, or a feeling of something familiar to me. If you need a laugh, want to see a picture that will bring a smile, or just get some good research ideas, check out Random Notes.

Be sure to catch Betty's wonderful story of a lifelong friendship - "Fearless Females/Sentimental Sunday: My Mother’s Best Friend” at Betty’s Boneyard Genealogy Blog.

This week Family Tree Gal has a thought-provoking post on being a good neighbor, “Talk About It Tuesday: Living Into Loneliness.” And there is an encouraging follow-up here.

John at TransylvanianDutch Genealogy & Family History (re)posted an important reminder in “PSA: Genealogy Can Save Your Life: 2010.”

Julie Cahill Tarr at Genblog reminds us that "A Book Index Isn't Always Enough" and backs up her assertion with a very convincing graph!

Excellent tech hints this week at:

Apple's Tree“Blogging Tip – Let Me Contact You!” - on making sure contact information is easy to find on your blog, with several different options described. Which reminds me, I need to think about adding the Contact button back to my blog.
(BTW - Prayers and heartfelt wishes for the recovery of Apple's mother.)

Geneabloggers - "Make Your Blog Print Friendly" - on adding a button that will make it possible to print just the blog post.

This week I started following these blogs:

Hearts and Bones
High-Definition Genealogy
Musings of MidwestAncesTree

Thank you to Lori of Genealogy and Me for the "Ancestor Approved Award"!

I have enjoyed reading many blogs this week, but have been preparing for Easter instead of focusing on research, so there will be no Newsletter this week.


  1. One too many http://
    in your blog links

  2. Thanks, Randy. I have corrected the mistake.

  3. Lots of good sites, Greta. THANKS!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "Back to the Homeplace"

  4. Thanks, Greta, for recognizing my blogpost, My Mother's Best Friend". I enjoyed the other links as well!

  5. Thank you, Dr. Bill, Michelle, and Betty for dropping by, and thank you, Michelle, for the award!

  6. Greta!!! You are too sweet to mention me, thank you so much! I'm so sorry it took me so long to comment, I'm SO behind on my blog reading and I always save yours because I know I'll want to read every word! :-) Thanks again!!!
