
Friday, April 16, 2010

Follow Friday: Nutfield Genealogy

This week I would like to start Follow Friday with a couple of articles of interest, followed by the featured blog of the week, followed by the rest of the list of articles of interest.

The reason? Well, read and you’ll see!

Leah at The Internet Genealogist has been publishing transcriptions of “A Mighty Mott Memoir”; as of today, I believe she is up to Part 11. If you click on Mott under “Labels,” you can pull them all up. It’s an articulately written and fascinating memoir.

To make the story even more interesting, there is a connection to this story at Heather Rojo’s Nutfield Genealogy: “Cousins Collaborate on a Genealogy Story.” I love it when things like this happen!

Heather Rojo's Nutfield Genealogy puts genealogy into the context of history, very often local history ("Working at 'The Shoe' in Beverly, Massachusetts"). The locations vary - New England, Yorkshire, Spain, and Hawaii, among others - and are amply illustrated with photographs. There are some very interesting family genealogy stories (Missionary to New Zealand?), and they often include the research that turned up the story. What I especially like is that Heather proves something I have always suspected - history is definitely not dry or boring!

At Photo Detective with Maureen A. Taylor, Maureen has written the final installment of a series of articles on a mystery photo with triplets (“Final Words on the Triplets”).

Becky Wiseman of kinnexions continues to have some fabulous photographs of her travels. Be sure to keep checking – interesting sights and top-notch photography. This week I have enjoyed seeing pictures of Death Valley, which my family and I visited when I was a child.

Laughing with the You-Go Genealogy Girls on their preparations for Salt Lake City – it will be your turn to laugh at me when I get ready for Knoxville in August!

Speaking of Salt Lake City, if you are going, I hope you have been following The Chart Chick Janet Hovorka’s tips on Guide to Salt Lake City articles so that you will be prepared to have a great time!

I’m not going to steal any thunder from the next Carnival of African-American Genealogy, but I just have to say some of the posts I have been reading on the subject of “Grandma’s Hands” are awesome!

Happy 4th Blogoversary to Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings!

Tech discussions:

Some different views on Macs and genealogy programs at James Tanner's Genealogy’s Star and John Newmark's TransylvanianDutch. All I have ever used is Reunion on a Mac and I'm not what you would call a power user, so I wouldn’t know how to compare it to other programs, but I love it.

"Apple computers and genealogy – all things great and small"
“Apple for Genealogy”
“Excuse Me, What is This?”
More Apple Genealogy

This week I started following these blogs:

Nolichucky Roots
FGS Voice

And finally, please keep our fellow genealogy bloggers in your thoughts and prayers: Deepest sympathy to Vickie Everhart at BeNotForgot for the loss of her husband and prayers and condolences to Carol at Reflections from the Fence for the death of her cousin’s husband and other family members who are gravely ill.


  1. Thanks so much, Greta, for putting me on your Follow Friday list. I'm glad you enjoy my little blog!

  2. Heather - Glad to do it; I am learning a lot from your blog!
