
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Seeking Shelter (and Food) in the Storm

Almost wordless ... Wind and snow do not stop the birds...

For context, front view and side view (the snow is up to about 3 feet on the crepe myrtle):


  1. Greta, block out the weather, do genealogy and daydream of your crepe myrtle in August. Still, I feel for you. This is something for your record books.

  2. Oh, Barbara, if only I could block out the weather. I just got in from shoveling snow; it looked like another 18 inches was dumped on us. Now it's time for some genealogy.

    Alice - Thanks for stopping by - I think the photos are the best thing I got out of this storm!

  3. Try to stay warm, we are watching on the news, UNBELIEVEABLE is all I can say or think. The photos are great tho. What a way to get great photos, eh??

  4. Wow! Thanks for sharing.Stay warm and be careful when you are out there shoveling.

  5. Next summer when the memory of shoveling snow recedes, you will have great photos -- and remember the good stuff.

  6. Amazing photographs! I love the one with the cardinal. We have snow but nothing like yours. Stay safe and warm.

  7. Thank you for sharing the great photos! I like the cardinal one, as well... Great memories and stories, for the future. Also, Thanks for stopping by to see my grandchildren.

    Keep these ancestor stories coming!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

  8. I like that cardinal one, too! I am a bird feeder, but I think you have me Stay warm.

  9. Pretty snow-but I bet you've had enough. I like the shots of the birds-seems I notice them more in the snow-but maybe thats just cause I'm looking out more. Stay warm : )
