
Thursday, February 18, 2010

Day 6 of the GeneaBloggers Games

Got 10 digital photos labeled and organized into folders in iPhoto; this is in addition to four I did the other day. I thought those four were the only unlabeled and unfiled digital photos I had, so I wasn’t going to count them toward completion of a task. However, I found some really cute photos of a cousin and her children and grandchildren on Facebook, so that meant more photos to add! Now I only need six more digital photos …. think I’ll go trolling on my cousins’ pages on Facebook. (Toward Task D for Challenge 3 – not completed, yet, but I might get there)

Added two new source citations (Challenge 1)

Participated in a Genealogy Carnival (“Live from Falls Church, Virginia, It’s the Third Annual iGene Awards!” at the Carnival of Genealogy, posted today!) (Task B of Challenge 5)

Not bad for a work day, but I need more source citations. (Wish I was still going through those obituaries for the Moore family – now there’s a way to pile up citations!)


  1. WOWSER!! What a find! What a story! What a character you have to research! Gosh, I love researching characters. This is a great series! GREAT!

  2. That makes me so happy that you are getting the kick out of this story that I am. These people were really characters!
