
Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 1 of the Geneabloggers Games

Here are my statistics for the first day:

Added two new source citations (Challenge 1)

Backed up this blog (Goes toward Task C of Challenge 2)

Organized 48 (!) digital files: Moved files into proper folders, created new folders, consolidated and cleaned out extraneous files from folders. My computer desktop was messier than I thought it was…. (Task B for Challenge 3)

Wrote a post "A Bit About Greta’s Genealogy Bog" (Task A for Challenge 5)

Started following 11 new blogs, either using the “Follow” feature or adding them to my blogroll, and added 7 blogs to follow on Facebook. Also wrote a “Follow” post ("Follow Saturday - Patten Genealogy") on my blog (Task G for Challenge 6)

Wrote a comment on two of the blogs (Task A for Challenge 6)


  1. Greta, for me this would have been at least an all day task, if not more. And you make it look so easy! Great work!

  2. Thank you for your encouragement, Nancy! I have to try to get as much done on the weekends as I can, since not much gets done during the week.
