
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Treasure Chest Thursday: 20 Years Ago Today

The first thing my husband said to me this morning after waking up was: "At this time twenty years ago today, it was snowing, you were having contractions, and we were on our way to the hospital."

Today at 9:08 p.m. my oldest ceased to be a teenager.

Love ya, Bun, more than you can know.


  1. Love the photo, the smile, the post

    Happy BD.

  2. What a great picture! Totally awesome! Happy Birthday!

  3. Awww, what a cutie pie! I can't imagine that mine will EVER be that old. Happy birthday to your not-so-little one!

  4. What a beautiful baby. They grow up so fast. My oldest will be 19 on the 29th.

  5. What a great idea for a Treasure Chest Thursday post!

  6. Happy Birthday to your 20-year-old and congratulations to YOU on that birth 20 years ago! I've always thought the Mommies ought to celebrate for having the baby! What a darling picture!!!!!

  7. How cute is she! Congrats on the birthday and adulthood. Amazing just how quickly it goes.

  8. Bronwyn loved hearing the comments and birthday wishes from everyone and says "Thank you!" And she's still kinda cute and still kinda "short stuff."

    Thank you all for dropping by!

  9. As a parent, there are just certain things you distinctly remember about the day your baby is born. And for January births, it always seems to involve snow! My grandma says the same thing about my mom's January birth.

    Hope she had a wonderful day.
