
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Wordy Wednesday: About That Happy Dance …

Here is the reason for it: above is a picture of (from right to left) my Great-Grandmother Susan Elizabeth Smith Bonner Brinlee, my Grandfather Lawrence Carroll Brinlee, my Great-Uncle Austin Franklin Brinlee, and my Great-Uncle Cecil Odell Brinlee. This picture was recently sent to me by Brinlee second cousin George at the request of another Brinlee second cousin, Raymond.

Receiving a picture of my relatives would be an occasion for a Happy Dance in any event, but this picture is extra special: it is the second picture I have ever seen of Lizzie, Austin, and Odell, and it is the first and only picture I have ever seen of my Grandfather Lawrence, who died before I was born.

This was an early birthday and Christmas present rolled into one. I even considered making this post my contribution to Smile for the Camera: Gift, but I had already written an entry.

I cannot say enough wonderful things about the generosity of my cousins on the Brinlee side who have sent me family pictures I had never seen: George B., Raymond P., Gale W. and Edna S. Thank you all – you are the best!


  1. OOOO, now, THAT is a great holiday gift! Shall join you in a happy genie-dance!

  2. How awesome! I am so happy for you! Let me know when you happy dance again - that was fun! :)

  3. Aw, I love doin' the Happy Dance with friends! Just don't let footnoteMaven know that I don't look anything like those Roma guys when I do it! Wishing you guys many Happy Dance moments in the coming year.

  4. Wow, What a lovely gift. I am so glad you got the picture...a special treasure.
    Thanks for coming by a dropping a comment on my granddaughter's picture.

  5. Awesome! I know how you feel. Doing the happy dance with you. Astrid.

  6. Woo hoo! Let's have another round of those happy feet! :-)

  7. Congrats Greta! Wonderful! I still hear the music!

  8. A great gift for sure-glad you're able to do a happy dance : )

  9. Gee, guys, this is the first time I have ever done the genealogy happy dance with so much company! And it makes it doubly fun! Hummer, Astrid, Elizabeth, Cheryl, and Tipper - thanks to you all.
