
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun: Dear Santa

From Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings: Your mission, should you decide to accept it (cue the Mission: Impossible music), is to write a nice letter to Genea-Santa Here are the directions:

1) Write a letter to Genea-Santa and ask for only ONE thing. It could be hardware, software, a missing family Bible, a record that you desperately want, etc.

2) Tell Genea-Santa what a good genea-girl or genea-boy you've been this past year and give examples.

Dear Genea-Santa:

I would like one document – any type of document, but I would like for the document to have had a reliable source – that provides the names of my great-grandmother Susan Elizabeth Smith Bonner Brinlee’s parents.

I have been a pretty good genea-girl this year, though I know I could have been much better. For one thing, I was pretty good about keeping my resolution to write down a memory every Monday. There were a few Mondays I missed, but then again, a few memories were written down on different days so they might all add up to 52 at the end of the year. My performance on keeping my other main resolution, transcribing the documentary materials I have, has been rather spotty. I did, however, transcribe about 200 obituaries for the next item, which is completing the first and major phase of one of my big research projects, “The Descendants of Samuel Moore (d. 1828) of Greenville County, South Carolina.”

As for writing up research in my blog: so-so. I was happy to have written up posts on two of my great-great-uncles: William Henry Lewis and Preston E. Moore, both of which, by the way, were Carnival of Genealogy submissions. (There is nothing like the COG to inspire you to get cracking on writing up your research!) I would like to have participated in more carnivals and prompts, but was often too disorganized to do so. In addition, I have not been very good about posting regularly in my two Graveyard Rabbit blogs, The Graveyard Rabbit of Northern Virginia and The Graveyard Rabbit Afield. I hope to do better next year.

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