
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Kreative Blogger Award

Many thanks to Linda Hughes Hiser at Flipside for this award, and congratulations to her for receiving it – she richly deserves it for her very entertaining and well-written blog.

I am now supposed to list seven things about myself and pass the award on to seven other bloggers. I’m going to rush “into print” with my nominations first (because I always seem to be late with that part) and will add the “seven things” part later.

My nominations are:

1. Leah at The Internet Genealogist

2. Elizabeth at Little Bytes of Life

3. footnote Maven at footnote Maven

4. Caroline Pointer at Family Stories and Texas Family Stories

5. Herstoryan at Herstoryan

6. Elyse Doerflinger at Elyse’s Genealogy Blog

7. Tina Lyons at Tina’s Genealogical Wish List

OK, it took me a few minutes to come up with them, but here are the seven things:

1. I love my immediate and extended family (that includes our cats).

2. We put bird feeders and a bird bath in our yard this year and I cannot believe how much I am enjoying watching the birds.

3. I am a 100% language geek.

4. I love to garden and could play all day in the dirt.

5. St. Nino of Georgia is my Patron Saint.

6. Genealogy may be one of the things that helps to keep me sane (and there is some dispute about that).

7. I have tons of ethnic music on my iTunes/iPod.


  1. You are such a honey. Yes, you are the first!

    Thank you so much.

  2. Thank you Greta! You are such a sweetie pie!


  3. Congratulations, Greta! I love watching the birds at our backyard feeder too. And the squirrels!

  4. Thank you so much for the award, Greta - that was sweet of you to think of me! I have to say, I can identify with a lot of your "seven things" too - especially the language geek one! When I was little I wanted to learn every language on the planet and to this day I still do, lol!

  5. Greta, thank you SO much for the award. I am very touched you would think of me. I too can relate to your list of seven - I think that is what makes this genea-community great we all have a little part of us that is the same. Cheers chica! :)

  6. Congrats on the award Greta and for passing it along to me.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Again, thanks Greta! I posted my 7 seven things:


  9. Thank you so much, Greta - very kind of you to think of me! We also have bird feeders in our yard. I put them up for my daughter, but I probably spend more time looking at them than she does!

    Have a wonderful holiday!
