
Saturday, November 28, 2009

If you are encountering problems with the Carnival of Genealogy submission form

just send me a note (by e-mail using the Contact button at the left or in a comment on this article) with the URL for your blog and I'll include your article in my list of submissions.

Thanks to Apple and Carol for alerting me to this problem!

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday afternoon update: The COG submission site still seems not to be working, so please feel free to submit articles in an e-mail to me using the Contact button on the left of the blog or in a comment, and I'll make sure you are included on the list. I sent a message to the Carnival site team, but have not received a reply yet.


  1. Greta, Not having problems with Carnival of Genealogy --- but I may have inadvertently made a problem with your blog followers. I was having problems getting my picture to show in "Followers" (not just your blog, but any blog that I followed. Got that solved, but then my picture shows up at the top of your followers as well as in the pack. I tried "unfollowing" and signing up again, and still have my picture at the heading of followers --- not that I mind considering that I am a staunch follower of your blog, but possibly its not the right place. Feel free to do what ever you need to correct my mistake. LOL

  2. That is no problem; I think it just shows up when you actually visit the blog and doesn't show up that way when anyone else visits. I notice that on Followers when I visit other blogs (that is, my picture is on the top when I first join). So neither of us needs to do anything. Thanks for visiting my blog!
