
Monday, March 23, 2009

Memory Monday: First and Second Grade

The transition from kindergarten to first grade was a big change, but I do not remember being particularly intimidated by it. It was time to learn how to read. We used the Dick and Jane books. We practiced writing using those sideways legal-sized (actually larger, I think) sheets with the dotted lines in between the solid lines and the empty area for drawing a picture. We filled in mimeographed worksheets (oh, that smell – it almost made up for missing the heavenly fragrance of liquid starch used in finger painting). We graduated from giant conical crayons (hated them) to regular crayons (more memories of pleasant fragrances). We drew pictures on cheap brownish paper and cut out shapes from construction paper.

Our teacher was Miss Christian. She was young, sweet, and to us, beautiful. We regarded her with a little bit of awe (think “Little Rascals”). I started out in the second reading group but was soon moved up into the first group. It gradually began to occur to me that I could do this “school stuff.”

Miss Christian got married over the summer; her married name sounded like “Rokay.” It was a huge piece of news to her former students. “Former students” – hah! We felt more like abandoned children who had been kicked out of their comfortable home in first grade into the more ordinary, less thrilling world of second grade.

Mrs. Lundgren was my first teacher in second grade. She was nice enough, but she did not have that special aura that Miss Christian had. She only terrified me once, and that was when she was teaching us to sing by ear and made us sing our names exactly as she sang them.

Halfway through the second grade my family moved from San Bernardino to nearby Highland and I switched schools from Davidson to Warm Springs. My new teacher was Mrs. Leeman. That year she was teaching a combination second and third grade class and I would have her again the next year for third grade. She was a very special teacher and I will write about her in a separate post.


  1. As a former preschool teacher, I enjoyed your blog. I remember Dick and Jane and the smell of those worksheets that were run off on the mimeo machine. Your blog brought back some pleasant memories for me. Now I have to sit down and see if I can remember my early teachers. Thank you for sharing, Greta.

  2. Greta - what a wonderful nostalgic post! Brings back wonderful memories of my early grade school years! Thanks for posting!

  3. I love your Memory Monday post! They bring back memories. I remember the Dick and Jane books. My Great Aunt Christian Ziegler who was a second grade teacher for 40years gave us a couple of books when we started to school. My Mom kept them for years then gave one to my brother and one to me. It is such a treasure one of the books from your early school days.

  4. What fun memories! It takes me back to elementary school in Idaho. My biggest fear was the fire drill. But I loved spelling and Mrs. Merrill. Great post!

  5. Thank you all for your very kind comments. Isn't it amazing at how those early school memories stay with us? I look forward to reading your school memories, too!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. If you remember mimeograph copies and Dick and Jane books, then you probably remember the magic markers that smelled like a sweet fragrance. I believe they were mostly fruity fragrances. (Smile)

  8. Oh, yes, I do remember that fragrance. And I remember an early version of Magic Markers which had a much different consistency than the ones we use now.
